Church of St. Anselm & St. Cæcilia, Lincoln's Inn Fields
St Anselm and St Cecilia, 70 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3JA
Act of Spiritual Communion:
My Jesus,
I believe that you
are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
Receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace
You as if You were already there and unite myself
wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated
from You.
If you are able to donate to keep us going during this difficult time, please donate via our website
If your donation is for a Mass Intention or for any specific reason, please email the Parish with details of the intention and we will confirm: [email protected]
- Adoration, Daily Rosary
Watch Videos
Funeral Mass - Elizabeth Mary Scott - RIP 11:30 02-09-2024
Wedding 15:00 03-08-2024
Wedding 15:00 13-07-2024
Daily Mass 18:00 21-12-2021
Christmas Carols followed by Vigil Mass 17.30 24-12-16
Funeral Mass - Elizabeth Mary Scott - RIP 11:30 02-09-2024
Wedding 15:00 03-08-2024
Wedding 15:00 13-07-2024
Daily Mass 18:00 21-12-2021
Christmas Carols followed by Vigil Mass 17.30 24-12-16